Generational Marketing: How to Target Today’s Generations

Generational Marketing: How to Target Today’s Generations

How can you most effectively reach diverse generations? Generational marketing is a marketing approach that uses generational segmentation. Each generation varies greatly in their interests and their consumption methods — some grew up in a world before technology existed and others cannot imagine a world without it.


While there are six generations that are alive and well today, there are four main generations that make up most of America’s population. In this blog we will explore the four key generations and the most effective ways to market to each.


Baby Boomers: Baby Boomers are the oldest of America’s four largest generations. While they have a working knowledge of technology, Baby Boomers are the least technologically-savvy. Research shows that Baby Boomers are open to direct marketing tactics with detailed information and prefer to consume their online content on a desktop.


Generation X: Generation X is the smallest generation of the four. While they are not social media experts, they are more social media savvy than Baby Boomers and the majority of Generation X uses Facebook over other social media platforms. This generation is most responsive to online content that relates to entertainment and lifestyle, and most are consuming their online content on laptops and tablets. Facebook, email marketing and blogs are some of the best methods to use when marketing to Generation X.


Generation Y / Millennials: Generation Y, also commonly known as Millennials, is the largest living generation. Research shows that Millennials are the most receptive to online shopping and often seek to make informed decisions when making purchases. They are likely to turn to friends and family for recommendations, check ratings and read reviews. Millennials prefer brief, online content and social media is the best marketing method to use.


Generation Z: Generation Z (or, “Gen Z”), today’s youngest generation, is the most diverse generation with the most technological know-how and are becoming marketers’ new targets. Both Gen Z and Millennials heavily use social media, with the most popular platforms being YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Gen Z spends more time on their phones per week than any other generation, so marketing tactics must be made for mobile when targeting this generation.


It is important for businesses to recognize the behaviors and consumption methods of each generation to adjust and modernize marketing strategies. With four key, and very different, generations making up today’s society, how can you effectively market to various generations under one campaign?


Research Your Target Audience

Before creating a marketing strategy and campaign, define your target audience and research the best platforms and tactics to use for that audience. How does your audience consume their news and media? What platforms are they most active on, if any? What type of technology does your audience prefer to use?


Keep Marketing Efforts Diverse and Do Not Make Assumptions

Keep your campaign diverse. Now more than ever, customers want to see themselves reflected in marketing efforts. Customers notice when a campaign leans into diversity and inclusion, so it is important to feature a diverse group in a variety of ages and lifestyles. Do not fall for the assumptions and stereotypes that society has placed on each generation.


Do Not Play Favorites

When selecting a medium to use, do not limit yourself to one and do not choose a platform considered as the most popular at the time. By limiting yourself to one platform, you eliminate the possibility of reaching an entire audience because you chose not to use other methods.


The key takeaways when marketing to different generations is to do the research and keep marketing efforts diverse, both in the message portrayed and the methods used. Keeping these takeaways in mind, you should be ready to successfully implement a marketing campaign for any generation!



How to Develop a Message Map For Your Business 

How to Develop a Message Map For Your Business 

A message map is a concise and visual tool used to create captivating and relevant messages that will resonate with your target audience. The graphic above serves as a template for which you can create your own customized map, and below describes the core elements of each section, and why they’re important.  


Step 1: Develop a Value Proposition Statement 

A value proposition is an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. Sounds simple, right? It’s not. Before you’re able to develop your value proposition, we encourage you to take a step back and agree on your target audience and the problem you solve for them. Only then you can develop a succinct value proposition to the appropriate audience. Think high level.  


Step 2: Create Key Messages, Supporting Facts and Common Objections 

If you could only pick three key messages to tell your audience, what would they be? Prioritize these messages and, once complete, also create supporting facts and answers to common objections you may receive.  


Step 3: Create Foundational Content Which Can Be Repurposed 

Now that the groundwork has been laid out, you should also develop other important messages that can continually be repurposed such as your elevator pitch, tagline and boilerplate.  


Message maps put you in control of your business’s story and answer questions on the minds of customers, employees, investors and media. Understanding your target audiences, anticipating their questions and roadblocks, and developing a key message will better position your business for success. 











Q & A w/ Editor in Chief DeAnna Taylor

Q & A w/ Editor in Chief DeAnna Taylor

Brittany recently had the opportunity to virtually ask DeAnna Taylor, a local freelance writer, a few questions about her role as Editor in Chief of Charlotte’s newest publication: The Block. DeAnna shared her goals for the new publication and what she hopes Charlotteans will take away from it. Check it out!

Tell us about yourself…where are you from and what brought (or kept) you to (in) Charlotte? I am a proud native of Charlotte. I was born and raised here, so I have seen firsthand all of the changes (good and bad) that my city has gone through. I went away for college and law school but came back to be near my grandmother who was sick at the time. I moved away again from 2017-2018 to live in South Korea. Now, I am back again…for now.

Tell us more about The Block…how did it get started? The Block is a digital publication focused on Black creatives and creative entrepreneurs. Some will say that having a publication for Black creatives is “racist,” but we are the only people who can truly tell our stories from an authentic perspective. So often, Black artists and entrepreneurs get overlooked or their stories covered up due to white counterparts. We are simply bringing a safe place and a space for their voices to be heard.

The publication was created from a series of in-person workshops that were launched by Hue House (founding members: David J. Butler, David “Dae Lee” Arrington, and Davita Galloway). They reached out to me for the Editor in Chief role and to take over the creative direction of the digital platform.

What are your goals as The Block’s Editor in Chief for the publication? My goal is to share as many untold stories as we can, while empowering our community and audience with any resources needed to take their brand to the next level. I want to share stories from creatives and entrepreneurs all around the globe.

What do you hope Charlotteans will take away from The Block and the stories it shares?  While we are based in Charlotte, we ultimately want to reach the world. But as far as our Charlotte community, we hope that they are inspired by the stories and information that we put out each week. A big component of our publication is our visuals. We invest heavily on striking visuals through our own in-house team of photographers and videographers. We understand that people today are drawn in by what they see, so we are ensuring that we put out quality visuals that will keep people coming back for more.

How would you describe The Block in three words? Empowering, Uplifting, Culture

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned working in the media industry? Not everyone will appreciate your work. With the internet at everyone’s fingertips, you are bound to get some negative feedback or trolling. But, you cannot let that deter you from your mission or the overall message within your work.

5 Tips for Developing a Case Study

5 Tips for Developing a Case Study

You’ve probably heard of a case study, but what exactly is a case study and how is it beneficial to your business or PR agency? A case study is a great way to highlight the scope of work that was done for your business by analyzing a successful campaign or project.

Case studies are structured with three basic elements: a problem, the solution to the problem, and the outcome or results of solving the problem backed with quantitative data. We’ve gathered five key steps for developing a successful case study.

  1. Identify the Problem: Identifying the problem you’d like to highlight is the first step to developing a case study. Has a client seen a drastic decrease in social media engagement? Has your business launched a new product but has seen little-to-no sales? A good case study will focus on a challenging problem.
  2. Identify the Solution: Identifying the solution to the problem is the next step in developing a case study. The solution is going to be the project or campaign implemented. It’s best to pick a project or campaign that was especially unique and successful. The solution will showcase your business or agency’s capabilities and creativity, so it’s important to pick a strong campaign or project.
  3. Identify Key Messages: Once the problem and solution have been determined, identify the key messages you want the case study to highlight. One way to determine key messages is by looking at your goals in developing the case study in the first place. Are you developing a case study to showcase your business or agency’s creativity? Are you developing a case study to showcase whether your business or agency is successful in delivering results? These goals will help you determine the key messages to focus on.
  4. Analyze the Outcome / Results: The next step in developing a case study is to tie the problem, solution and key messages together by analyzing the outcome of the project or campaign. This step is a key step, as it showcases the success of a project or campaign and examines why it was so successful.
  5. Include Quantitative Data: Data speaks volumes, so providing quantitative data that backs up the success of the project or campaign is a must. For example, when completing a case study that focuses on a social media campaign, be sure to include engagement metrics. Most clients view public relations as a cost rather than an investment, and case studies are a great method for changing that perception. Clients are looking for a business or a PR agency that can provide results, and a case study can showcase just that.

Case studies can be very beneficial for your business. Not only can they highlight the scope of work done through a successful project or campaign, but they can also showcase your capabilities and be an advantageous resource in attracting new business.



How 2020 Has Changed Public Relations

This year has been a rollercoaster. 2020 has brought a global pandemic, protests and activism, murder hornets, natural forces and so much more that seems to be the cherry-on-top of a disastrous year. Trying to navigate these unprecedented times, it’s important now more than ever that businesses lean on the support and expertise of public relations professionals. PR professionals have recognized that 2020 has changed the industry and are doubling-down their efforts to point businesses in the right direction. In this blog post we’ll explore how 2020 has changed public relations and how those changes are here to stay.

Crisis Communications

A global pandemic is enough to cause a crisis, and adding layoffs and state-wide lockdowns is more than enough to cause panic among businesses. COVID-19 has shown the importance of developing a crisis communications plan for a wide spectrum of events — including a pandemic. Not only is it vital for businesses to develop a crisis communications plan, but it’s even more important to properly implement that plan. Sure, businesses can rattle off suggestions and best practices to be included in their crisis communications plan, but are these ideas realistic and can they be properly implemented and successful among consumers? This is where PR agencies come in by pulling their expertise, experience and extensive research to determine what strategies will work best and be most successful.

Adjusting to A Virtual World

Due to COVID-19 and state-wide lockdowns, businesses and employees have been forced to move their operations fully online. Businesses with events and product launches scheduled throughout 2020 have been forced to cancel or host events and product launches online. Moving events online have businesses scrambling to reconstruct event plans and work through the logistics that going all-virtual brings. Having a PR agency on hand can ease the stresses that come with virtual event planning and event promotions.

Supporting Local

The global pandemic and state-wide lockdowns have drastically hurt small businesses and communities. Consumers are looking at big brands and PR agencies to see how they are supporting local businesses and their communities during these trying times. Now is the time for larger brands to utilize their local PR agencies and immerse themselves in the community. PR agencies can support their communities by encouraging people to shop local and can support larger businesses by researching ways to get involved and give back.


Political movements have gained tremendous momentum this year. While they can have an enormous impact on our society, it’s important to thoroughly think through campaigns and slogans that display solidarity and support. Using generic slogans without backing them by extending meaningful support is heavily scrutinized and looked down upon. It’s a quick way to get backlash and lose support from consumers. Having a PR agency on board is advantageous for a business because it is a PR professional’s job to research all the negatives about a brand and create a plan to address those negatives. It’s never too late to admit to past wrongs and move forward by doing the right thing.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion in both a business’ staff and promotional campaigns is now an absolute must. Consumers and employees are demanding more diversity and inclusion, and the best place to start is within. Both PR agencies and businesses must address the diversity and inclusion sensitivities and challenges they face, and having diverse insights and experiences will lead to smarter and more sensitive campaigns.

PR is an ever-changing industry, going with the ebb and flow of media and market trends. While 2020 has quickly shifted the strategies and goals of PR, these changes will certainly affect PR for years to come.

Supporting Your Local Community: How ArtPop is Stepping Up and Showing Out for Local Artists

Supporting Your Local Community: How ArtPop is Stepping Up and Showing Out for Local Artists

Even during a pandemic, ArtPop Street Gallery has continued to serve local artists and the communities of four cities across the country. Although COVID-19 delayed their annual event celebrating 2020’s juried in artists, ArtPop didn’t let that stop them from filling city streets with color.

Working with local artists in Charlotte, the Triad, Atlanta and Columbus, OH, ArtPop has installed billboards across these cities and their surrounding areas displaying the work of local artists. Varying in medium from photography, oil on canvas, watercolor and everything in between, all works are original works of art. Navigating the stress and uncertainty of COVID-19 has been difficult for many, but communities are turning to the arts as a method of relief and escape during these unprecedented times. This exposure for artists has resulted in support and sales, allowing the artists to continue creating.

ArtPop has not only maintained their community efforts and artist support throughout the pandemic, but has grown their program in two cities. This year, ArtPop introduced their program to Atlanta and juried in 30 local artists to its inaugural class of 2020 — more than ArtPop’s typical classes of 20 artists. In the Triad, Artpop grew their class of five artists to six, making an impact in yet another local artist’s career.

PIVOT PR is thankful to work with a wonderful organization such as ArtPop Street Gallery and is proud to sponsor three Charlotte artists: Nancy Jo Sauser, Luis Ardila, Nick McOwen. You can check out their artwork installed on static and digital billboards around the city.

Thanks to their media partners and community support, ArtPop has promoted over 400 artists on over 20 million dollars of media space, as well as awarded scholarships to high school artists pursuing a degree in art. If you are interested in donating to the efforts of ArtPop, please visit